Mini Mutant Monsters Stories
Fantastic stories and unmissable adventures with mini mutant monsters and their fantastic friends. A fairy tale world about the lost little creatures of the universe who show how to be good with their exciting, surprising, sad, or even funny stories.
Mutant Bees – Their adventure begins here
Mutant Bees – Their adventure begins here Once upon, in a not-so-distant future, a small group of bees gathered to discuss their future. Based on the stories of their ancestors,
Mimo and the flower
Mimo and the flowers Stories of Mini Mutant Monsters Once upon a time, there was a small forest where Mimo, the tiny monster, lived with a magic bowler hat. Mimo
Beginnings – The birth of the mini mutant monsters
Beginnings The birth of the mini mutant monsters Once upon a time, far from here in the center of the universe… A small planet filled with creatures lived its life.
The first story – On a beautiful Arizona night
The first story – On a beautiful Arizona night The first story in which the earthly adventures of the little mutant monsters begin. On a beautiful Arizona night, our story
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